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Website Optimization and Free Submission
hey, I'm on the art directory below ! Check me out! ArtWebLinks.com A directory of artistand art related websites EJM Studios she has some nice artwork Watercolors by E. J. McRorie GREAT CHRISTIAN SITES
The Interview with GOD
a great Christian site with a video of our counrtry's founding fathers' faith statements
Community Christ Church ~ PA ~ Dave Hess
Dave Hess is Randy Clark's pastor, if you know who that is. When I first found this site, I listened to almost 1 1/2 years of back audios ~ it's that good. check it out! Sometimes Dave sings and brings tears to your eyes . .
Andie's Isle
awesome music and graphics ~ check out . . . "I can Only Imagine" ~ "A Rose is a Rose" ~ "Amazing Grace"
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